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Jul 23, 20182 min read
Our Mudroom Locker Hack
I was so excited when we found the mudroom in this house! One thing that is a MUST HAVE for me in an Minnesota Home is a mudroom. And if...
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May 14, 20183 min read
Living It.
My sister Lydia, son Anthony, and I had the incredible privilege to visit my cousins, the Stockmans and Lehrkes, in Minnesota for Easter...
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Feb 12, 20184 min read
God's Got This
Y’all, Your response to our first blog post has been amazing! I can’t begin to thank you for the sweet messages, texts, and emails that...
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Jan 29, 20187 min read
Dear 2018
Dear 2018, Here we are a month in, and I told my self that I would be more organized this year. But somehow I am failing so hard. Maybe...
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